Lære Norsk Med Karoline
Basic introduction to Norwegian.
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Norwegian 201: Intro to Grammar
Norwegian 101: Getting Started
Straight Up Vocabulary
Pronunciation: Practice your Vowels
Tegn Teater!
Important Dates
Monday, April 18, 2011
Week 3: A Review
Holy cow, we've come a long way! Great work on those pesky new vowels! Today was all about the animals and we had a mess of 'em t...
Week 2: A review
Second week and we're already starting to remember some pretty surprising stuff! God dag! Hvordan går det? Bare bra! Takk! Unskyld, ...
Week 1: A review
Okay, week one! What a meetup it was! Vær så god + Takk Jeg heter ____ Han liker å spise kjøtt! We touched on some basic introductions,...
Special Characters On The Computer:
Ever wondered how I get our funny new vowels to show up on our printouts and in the website? Easy! Use the codes below to access the chara...
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